Our Products

Meat For Every Craving

Some folks come to the store to grab something quick to prepare for a busy family. Some seek out meat proteins with special attributes such as organic or grass-fed, so they feel good about what they are serving their family. And others want to pursue the meat case for something special to cook, no hurry involved. 

The way we see it, everyone should have delicious, high-quality meat to put on the table. Whether that table is in the rush of a busy ‘after homework, before bed’ type evening, or outside next to the grill entertaining friends or family.

Thomas Foods is proud to offer a wide variety of meats to suit many needs, no matter how specific.

Our Team in the Field

Our retail sales team’s singular focus is making certain that you have exactly what you need to satisfy your customers. To that end, we don’t just want to sell you meat products; we want you to have exactly what you and your customers need.

One of the many benefits of having an integrated supply chain is that we can help to customize programs for your needs. Our team is committed to making certain that you have the best lamb, beef, veal, pork and game meat products in a format that is not only what you want but what your customers will want as well.

The Thomas Farms Brand

Meet The Meat

Thomas Foods International Canada sources the finest meats from around the world so that you don’t have to. We have an extensive portfolio of options to meet all your needs.

Our lamb cubes are an ideal lean red meat alternative for pan seared, skewered, or braised dinners that are well suited to cook a flavorful dish year around.

Our ground beef is a great weeknight dinner item made with organic grass fed beef that you can feel good about.

Our new sliced lamb rolls made from lamb shoulder are a perfect addition to hot pots or Chinese fondue!

Our fresh lamb loin chops are a perfect for savory dinner. This chop is tasty year around weather on the grill,  or as a pan seared dinner.

Grass Fed Beef

Our grass fed and grass finished cattle are raised on open green pastures where they freely roam and graze on a grass fed diet for their whole lives. Never confined to a feedlot, our grass fed beef is all natural, with no artificial ingredients, minimally processed and halal certified.

Organic Beef

Our cattle are raised on open green pastures where they freely roam and graze on a grass fed diet for their whole lives. Our cattle are never administered added growth hormones and antibiotics. Our organic beef is all natural, with no artificial ingredients, minimally processed and Halal certified.

Angus Pure Beef

A pure product of its pure environment, our exclusively Australian grass fed beef program is one-of-a-kind. Our humanely raised black angus cattle are raised on open Australian grass pastures, never confined to a feedlot and never administered growth hormones or antibiotics. Graded for eating quality as well, you can be assured not only will you feel good about purchasing our Angus Pure beef, you will also enjoy eating it as well…..every time.

Australian Wagyu Beef

The majority of our Wagyu beef comes from Stanbroke, where they are wholly focused on supplying the finest quality beef to their customers. Diamantina, Australia’s premium Wagyu beef comes from the Diamantina Shire in western Queensland, and is famous for producing some of Australia’s finest cattle. Stanbroke selects the best breeds, and ensures they feed on a grain rich diet – which produces decadently marbled beef and a uniquely superior taste experience.

Certified Angus Beef

Raised on Certified Angus Beef farms these cattle spend the majority of their lives on pasture grazing on grass and forage then grain finished for 4-6 months. Their grain diet consists of corn, wheat and milo, as well as high energy grains important to support cattle growth and to produce high quality beef.

Free Range Lamb

Our pasture raised lambs roam free on grass pastures, never been administered growth hormones and are never confined to a feedlot. All natural, minimally produced and free of artificial additives, our high quality lamb products are mild in flavour and consistent year round.

Organic Lamb

Our organic lamb is humanely raised on Australian ranches and family farms certified USDA organic. Raised without the use of antibiotics and added hormones, our organic lambs roam free on native pastures that have not been sprayed with artificial chemicals.

Free Range Goat

As a leading supplier of Australian goat meat, our quality goat meat products are available year round either foodservice packed or retail frozen case ready. Our goats roam free on native rangelands and pastures and are certified halal.

Royal Dutch Veal

Our Royal Dutch Veal from the Netherlands is a premium milk fed veal program with a tradition that goes back 100 years. Our calves are humanely raised in groups of 5 to 6 and have never tethered or shackled. Fed a wholesome milk diet, our calves have also never been administered growth hormones and our unique production system guarantees individual lifetime traceability from farm to each meat package. 

Tailored Solutions that Meet Your Needs

Our team is 100% focused on your needs. We can tailor a solution to suit any specification or requirement for both large and small orders anywhere in the world and have a fully integrated supply chain to ensure your delivery is consistent, safe and to the highest standard every time.

Get in touch with our sales team to discuss a solution that suits your specifications and that your customers will love.