
Nous mettons sur votre table les meilleurs produits à base d’agneau au monde

L’agneau australien est connu dans le monde entier comme étant savoureux, polyvalent et naturel.

TFI a construit sa réputation enviable en fournissant de l’agneau toujours de haute qualité issu des pâturages parmi les plus préservés d’Australie.

En gardant un œil sur les tendances et préférences des consommateurs et en conservant un engagement sans concession envers la qualité, TFI offre aux familles du monde entier le meilleur agneau frais ou congelé.


Our Boneless, Rolled, Tubed Mutton Shoulders are a popular option for grilling and hot pot dishes.

Our Lamb Neck is prepared from a carcase by a cut between the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae. A great option for slicing in chops and grilling.

Our Neck Fillet Roasts are prepared from a Forequarter by removing the Oyster Blade, Shank, Breast & Flap. High marbling makes this cut a stand out for tenderness and full of flavour.

The Oyster Shoulder is a prepared from the Forequarter, with the blade bone and shank remaining. A great option for roasting and easy to carve.

Our Banjo Cut Shoulder is prepared from an Oyster Cut Shoulder, trimmed into an oval shape.

Boneless, rolled and netted, our BRN Shoulder is prepared by removing all the bones and cartilage from a Bone in Square Cut Shoulder. This cut is great for roasting or enjoy it slow cooked.

A Square Cut Shoulder is prepared from a Forequarter. This is a great option to cut into chops and grill.

Prepared from the Forequarter, the Shoulder Rack is a delicacy for those looking for an inexpensive substitute for a Standard Rack. A simple and tasty option for roasting for grilling.

Our Frenched Shoulder Rack is full of flavour and a great option for roasting. Derived from the Shoulder Rack, ribs are frenched to customer specification.

Looking for a winter warmer? Our Foreshank is a great option for slow cooking or cover roasting dishes.


Our Standard Rack option is one of the most popular cuts purchased to roast. Tail option of 4 inch or 3 inch.

A Rack Cap Off is derived from our Standard Rack through the removal of the cap. This product is great for slicing into cutlets or as a roasting dish.

Our Rack Cap On, Frenched, is a great option for cutlets to grill or roasting.

Frenching Options:

  • 4×2 inch
  • 3×2 inch
  • 3×1 inch

Rack Cap Off – Frenched is the leanest option available in our racks. A brilliant option for cutlets to grill or roast.

Frenching Options:

  • 4×2 inch
  • 3×2 inch
  • 3×1 inch
  • Fully frenched.


The loin is derived from the middle of the carcase with the flap removed. Typically, our loin is purchased for further butchery into loin chops for grilling.

Our Shortloin is derived from the loin by the removal of specific ribs, with a 1 inch tail. Most popular use is further cut butchery down to loin chops for grilling.

A Shortloin Pair is prepared from a carcase by a straight cut through the lumbar vertebra to clear the tip of the ilium. Typically, the Shortloin Pair is sliced down the middle and broken into lamb chops for grilling.

Our Boneless, Rolled Shortloin is derived from the Shortloin, through the removal of all bones, rolled and strung. A versatile cut, this is a great option for roasting, grilling or cut into chops.

Eye of Shortloin is a portion of the Backstrap. Tender, lean and boneless. Similar to the Boneless, Rolled Shortloin, the Eye of Loin is versatile and can be grilled, roasted, diced or sliced into steaks.

The Tenderloin is the most tender cut found in the carcass. Similar to the Tenderloin found in a beef carcass, but smaller, it is may be grilled or diced.

The Tenderloin – Butt off is the most tender cut found in the carcass.

Derived from the end of the Tenderloin, the Tenderloin Butt is tender piece of meat, great for quick grilling.


With the Chump and Shank retained, our Bone In Leg – Chump On is one of our most popular cuts for roasting or slow cooking.

The Leg Chump Off Shank Off, is prepared from a Leg Chump Off by removing the Shank. A great  option for the family Sunday roast.

Our ABO Lamb Leg Chump On is prepared from the removal of the aitch bone and knuckle tip, leaving only the femur bone. This leg cut is great for roasting.

Our ABO Lamb Leg Chump Off is prepared from the removal of the aitch bone and knuckle tip and chump, leaving the femur bone. Another great cut for roasting and easy to carve.

Just like our Foreshank, the Hindshank is a tasty flavoursome cut for the slow cooker.

Our Lamb Leg Chump On is prepared from a Bone in Lamb Leg Chump on with all bones, cartilage, sinew, ligamentum nuchae and lymph nodes removed. A great cut for further butchery or roasting.

Our Boneless Leg Chump Off Shank Off, is prepared from a Leg Chump On by the removal of the chump and shank, all bones, cartilage, tendons and lymph nodes. This is a great cut for roasting or breaking down into individual muscles for steak or diced products.

Completely boneless, our Lamb Leg Chump On Shank Off is prepared from a Leg Chump On by the removal of the shank (extensor) at the stifle joint. Great for roasting or further butchery.

Leaving the fat on for full flavour, the boneless chump is great for grilling, roasting, pan frying or breaking down into steak cuts.

Our rump is prepared from a Chump by the removal of the tail and cap muscle. This is a small cut, making is easy for many dishes such as steaks, dicing and stir-frying.

A Silverside is prepared from a Leg by separating the primal through the seams between the Silverside and Knuckle and the Silverside and Topside. The second largest muscle, the silverside is great for steak cuts, slow cooking or roasting.

Our Knuckle is prepared from a Boneless Leg by separating the primals through the seams between the Knuckle and Topside and the Knuckle and Silverside. A great product for steaking, slow cooking or roasting.

The Topside is the largest muscle on the lamb leg. Completely boneless, the Topside is great for a range of cuts such as roasting, dicing, steaks and stir frying.


Breast and Flap is a popular cut enjoyed through Asia. Prepared from a Breast and Flap with all bones and cartridge removed. A great option for hot pot dishes and grilling.

The Flap is prepared from a Breast and Flap by a straight cut between the 5th and 6th ribs. This cut is great for grilling or slow cooking.

The Flap is prepared from a Breast and Flap by a straight cut between the 5th and 6th ribs. This cut is great for hot pot dishes and grilling.

Trimmed from between the Ribs (when preparing frenched racks). Intercostals are a popular cut throughout Korea for skewers on the grill

Trimmings are portions of meat remaining after the preparation of primal cuts from a carcase. This option is primarily for diced meat or burger production.

Nous travaillons avec
les meilleurs éleveurs mondiaux

Thomas Foods International Canada a noué des relations avec les meilleurs éleveurs mondiaux.

Nous recherchons des systèmes de gestion d’élevage à la pointe de l’industrie, des protocoles stricts de bien-être animal et des normes de sécurité alimentaire gérées avec précaution.

Grâce à ces relations précieuses nouées avec des éleveurs mondiaux qui partagent notre passion pour les produits de haute qualité et la sécurité, nous pouvons mettre au point du bétail qui répond à un large éventail de spécifications et d’exigences, tout au long de l’année.

L’importance de la qualité

Notre équipe travaille à maintenir des normes élevées constantes pour garantir que chaque produit est le meilleur possible.

Nous avons la souplesse d’adapter nos produits aux spécifications uniques de nos clients, sans compromettre la qualité.

Une vision familiale

En tant qu’entreprise familiale, nous sommes portés par des valeurs fortes.

Nos employés sont la colonne vertébrale de notre entreprise : ils s’assurent que chacun de nos produits est conforme à notre haute exigence de qualité.

Animaux élevés sans cruauté

TFI veille à ce que tous les animaux de notre chaîne d’approvisionnement soient traités avec compassion, et qu’ils vivent leur vie de la manière la plus confortable et la moins stressante possible.

L’importance du développement durable

Les consommateurs privilégiant les produits alimentaires plus naturels, TFI a mis en place des processus stricts pour garantir que tout son bétail est nourri avec des ressources durables.

Des solutions sur mesure qui répondent à vos besoins

Notre équipe est 100 % focalisée sur vos besoins. Nous pouvons créer une solution sur mesure pour répondre à n’importe quelle spécification ou exigence, pour satisfaire des grosses comme des petites commandes n’importe où dans le monde, et nous disposons d’une chaîne d’approvisionnement complètement intégrée afin de vous garantir, pour chaque commande, une livraison homogène, sûre et conforme aux normes les plus élevées.

Communiquez avec notre équipe des ventes pour discuter d’une solution qui répond à vos spécifications et qui séduira vos clients.